Monday 30 September 2013


Stereotypes are:

Simplified representations which focus on certain characteristics of the group and assumes these to be shared across all group members. Inherent within a stereotype is a judgement on this characteristic (usually negative – but not always).

Stereotypes are often assumed to be negative as:

1 The judgement making the basis of the stereotype is usually a negative one – gossip is a bad thing, a waste of time.

2 They do not allow for individual traits to exist in members of the group – some women may not be interested in other people’s domestic lives.

3 They are created by those outside the stereotyped group and are often seen to be an exertion of power – the stereotyped group often has no way to answer back.

4 The stereotype gives a ‘complete picture’ about the group and implies a knowledge and understanding that can be applied to all members of the group.

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