Monday 30 September 2013


  •  Colour used with effect to position and identify audiences 
  •  Magazine front covers are crowded with contents to suggest value for money 
  •  Cover models usually uses a direct mode of address 
  •  Magazine has a clear ‘house’ style which includes font, tone of voice and even language (Heat’s use of terms such as R-Patz)
  •  text to image ratio depends on the target audience. Magazines for younger readers include greater use of bullet points, boxes and banners in the presentation 
  •  Covers contain mastheads, headlines and cover lines.
  •  How is the text encoded to produce a preferred reading in the audience? 
  •  Does the text encourage audience sharing of the content? 
  •  Is the audience invited to participate through the content? 
  •  Audience is delivered to advertisers through the magazine. How are audiences encouraged to consume? 
  •  What Uses and Gratifications can be assumed through the content?
  •  What are the brand values of the institution? 
  •  What links does the text make with other products? With other platforms? What does this communicate about the text? 
  •  Does the text fit with wider ideology through suggested narrative?
  •  Look specifically at Gender representation in Gendered magazines. How is the concept of gender constructed? 
  •  Are stereotyped used? Confirmed or challenged? 
  •  Are Binary Oppositions used? 
  • Task: Analyse the BLISS Magazine cover using the prompt questions above.

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