Sunday, 9 February 2014

What to include in your production film posters. With example.

A catchy tagline. To go with the title which should be written in a font that you have considered for your target audience.
The name of the director mentioning any other films they were involved with.
Successful reviews including any star ratings from well known critics or publications.
Film rating, put this close to the film title.
The official online site of the film; here the audience can access soundtracks, DVD features, downloads, pictures, voting events etc.
The official release date of the film.
The name of the organisation that is distributing the film.
You could add a number to text if audience want to download the official trailer to their mobiles.
A significant prop from the narrative of the film.
The background should be significant.
For example, if it's about the end of an era, use a sunset if its the dawn of a new one then show a sun rising.
The background should also give the audience an idea about the setting of the film; does the film take place in a stereotypical working class estate or an inner city with tower blocks? Is it Rural?
Let the examiner know what you are thinking!
Don't forget to consider all the visual codes: Costume - Facial expression - Mode of address - Colour symbolism - Body Language - Graphics.
Technical Codes: Framing - Shot type - Lighting - Film stock.

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