Thursday 16 January 2014

Media Studies Exam 2014

A written examination paper of two and a half hours, assessing AO1 and AO2. This
will consist of three compulsory questions:

Question 1 requires an analysis of an audio/visual or print-based
extract (40).

Questions 2 and 3 will be based on representation and audience issues and
may be subdivided where appropriate (30 and 30).
Note: for questions 2 & 3, candidates will be expected to draw on their own studies of
representation and audience response issues.

Assessment objective 1

Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of media concepts,
contexts and critical debates.

Candidates characteristically:
a) communicate detailed knowledge
and understanding of media
b) create and sustain well-organised
and coherent arguments linked to
media contexts and critical debates
c) structure and organise their writing
using an appropriate register
d) communicate content and meaning
through expressive and accurate

Assessment objective 2

Apply knowledge and understanding
when analysing media products and
processes and evaluating their own
practical work, to show how meanings
and responses are created.

Candidates characteristically:
a) communicate an excellent,
informed understanding of media
forms, codes and conventions
b) explore through detailed analysis
of media products and processes
how these aspects create meaning
c) evaluate their own work with close
reference to these aspects and the
shaping of audience/user

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