Tuesday 1 October 2013


  • Red: Passion, Love, Anger
  • Orange: Energy, Happiness, Vitality
  • Yellow: Happiness, Hope, Deceit
  • Green: New Beginnings, Abundance, Nature
  • Blue: Calm, Responsible, Sadness, Trust
  • Purple: Creativity, Royalty, Wealth
  • Black: Mystery, Elegance, Evil, Sophistication
  • Gray: Moody, Conservative, Formality
generally conservative and formal, but can also be modern. It is sometimes considered a color of mourning. It’s commonly used in corporate designs, where formality and professionalism are key. It can be a very sophisticated color. Pure grays are shades of black, though other grays may have blue or brown hues mixed in. In design, gray backgrounds are very common, as is gray typography.
  • White: Purity, Cleanliness, Virtue
  • Brown: Nature, Wholesomeness, Dependability
  • Tan or Beige: Conservative, Piety, Dull
  • Cream or Ivory: Calm, Elegant, Purity
Task 1:
Watch the clip below and see if the colour of the costumes suggests the type of character.
Is there any other colour symbolism evident in the settings?

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