- Poster conventions in general
General colour palette/codes throughout is essential for the poster.
Pale blue backlighting and fluorescent greens here relate to sci-fi genre. Other conventions relate to thriller, action adventure.
Correct choice of font and arrangement of letters to engage the viewer.
Connotations of words used should relate to the genre.
'Their Flesh is his Fantasy'
Coming soon or release date - at the bottom of this poster:
- Icons of the film genre - Gun and Liam Neeson on a plane here:
- Have a main focal picture to relate to
- Large title like Saul Bass' design here:
- Tagline
- A tagline must spark a reaction out of the audience without revealing too much of the documentary. It must make them know enough to want to see it but not too much that they feel they know enough already. For example; 'Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back In The Water'
- Awards
- You want to entice the audience to go and see the film so having awards on the film poster which the film has won will help the audience to be convinced to go and see the film.
- Quotes and Reviews
- Most posters have quotes from newspapers of film magazines which again entice the audience to go and see the thing being advertised.
- Directors Name
- Often the name of the director is on the poster connoting their importance in the creation of this product. If the director is well kwon then prominence of his name will help to attract the audience.