What is Regulation?
Regulation is the control of what is shown, advertised and produced for Television
This can be through the scheduling and the production of TV shows
Regulation can also stem into the censorship of TV
Regulation in the UK TV Industry
OFCOM – they are the independent regulators of the media and communication industries
Specification of Broadcast Code – this provides a set of mandatory broadcast rules, it covers:
Protection of under-eighteens
Harm and Offence
Rules on the amount and distribution of advertising
Examines specific complaints made by the public
Public consultations on matters relating to TV broadcasting
Committee for Advertising Practice – contracted by OFCOM to maintain the codes of practice for television advertising
Advertising Standards Authority
– independent body which deals with complaints relating to the
advertising industry.
Licensing in the UK
All of the UK needs a license to view publicly broadcast services.
This is the commercial channels, cable and satellite transmissions.
The money from the fee is used for radio, TV and internet content for the BBC and its welsh language TV programmes for S4C
Media regulation is the control or guidance of mass media by governments and other bodies. This regulation, via law, rules or procedures, can have various goals, for example intervention to protect a stated "public interest", or encouraging competition and an effective media market, or establishing common technical standards.
The principal targets of media regulation are the press, radio and television, but may also include film, recorded music, cable, satellite, storage and distribution technology (discs, tapes etc), the internet, mobile phones and more.
Self Regulatory Bodies:
Britain has a free press. This means that the content of publications is not controlled by the government so newspapers and magazines are free to publish content which supports any political ideology.
Though there are some restrictions placed upon the press, such as those imposed by anti-discrimination laws, much of the content of British magazines and newspapers is self-regulated. This means that there are codes that journalists, editors and photographers are expected to follow by choice. The two main self-regulatory codes are:
National Union of Journalists’ Code of Conduct
The National Union of Journalists
When a journalist elects to join the National Union of Journalists, they are expected to sign an agreement stating that they will abide by the Union’s Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct covers areas such as protecting confidential sources, respecting people’s privacy and defending the freedom of the press. Whilst journalists are not obliged to join the NUJ, many employers would expect it. By joining the NUJ, journalists are choosing to partially restrict the ways in which they can obtain information. They are also agreeing to certain ethical standards, such as rectifying harmful errors that have already gone to print. For more information on the National Union of Journalists and for a complete copy of their Code of Conduct see www.nuj.org.uk.
Press Complaints Commission’s Code of Practice
The Press Complaints Commission is an independent, non-statutory body that was set up in 1991 by the British newspaper and magazine industry. It oversees and administers the Code of Practice, which is written by editors,
for editors. The PCC is a quick, simple and cost-free way for members of the public to resolve complaints arising from editorial conduct and content which may breach of the Code of Practice. (www.pcc.org.uk/index2.html)
The Press Complaints Commission’s Code of Practice is very similar to the NUJ Code.
Every precaution must be taken to ensure that published material is accurate and not misleading or distorted. Any inaccurate material must be rectified quickly and an apology published. All publications must ensure it is clear what is fact and what is opinion.
Opportunity to reply
Readers and individuals mentioned in published articles have the right to reply to inaccuracies.
Every person has the right to privacy, including their home / family life, health and communications.
Journalists and photographers should not harass or persistently pursue any individual.
Intrusion into grief or shock
Sympathy and discretion should be used when reporting on cases involving grief or shock and excessive details should not be given in cases of suicide.
Children under 16 should not be approached for photographs or interviews unless a custodial parent or responsible adult consents. The children of famous parents are included in this.
Children in sex cases
Children involved in sex cases should not be identified so special care must be taken in the wording of articles relating to cases of incest.
Journalists must make themselves known to hospital executives before entering non-public areas.
Reporting Crime
The family or friends of a person convicted or accused of a crime should not be identified without their consent.
Clandestine devices and subterfuge
The press should not use hidden devices to obtain information nor intercept phone calls, messages or emails unless it is in the public interest and could be obtained by no other means.
Victims of sexual assault
Victims of sexual assault should not be identified unless there is adequate justification.
The press should not discriminate or make unnecessary reference to a person’s race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical disability or mental health.
Financial journalism
Journalists must not use information they obtain for their own financial gain.
Confidential sources
Journalist must protect the identity of confidential sources.
Witness payments in criminal trials
Payments should not be made to witnesses as this contravenes the Contempt of Court Act 1981.*
Payment to criminals
Payments for stories which glamorise crime must not be made to criminals or their families.*
BBC Article, Read this:
This text is also very informative:
Ofcom has certain powers to regulate the BBC's licence fee funded television and radio
services aimed at audiences in the UK, but not the World Service which is grant-in-aid
funded. Ofcom's Broadcasting Code applies in the following areas:
- Protection of under-18s
- Harm and Offence
- Avoidance of inciting crime or disorder
- Responsible approach to religious content
- Prohibition of use of images of very brief duration
- Fairness
- Privacy.
The Editorial Guidelines reflect the provisions of the Ofcom Broadcasting Code in these areas.
Task 1:
Use the points from the Press Complaints Commission’s Code of Practice, or find a complete version at www.pcc.org.uk, and rank the points of the code in order of which are most clearly evident in the national press. Which parts of the code do journalists definitely abide by and which do you think are less stringently adhered to? Use the PCC website to see which points of the code generate the most complaints.