Monday, 27 January 2014


A moral panic is an intense feeling expressed in a population about an issue that appears to threaten the social order.

Marshall McLuhan gave the term academic treatment in his book Understanding Media written in 1964.

According to Stanley Cohen, author of a sociological study about youth culture and media called Folk Devils and Moral Panics (1972), a moral panic occurs when "condition, episode, person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests".

Those who start the panic when they fear a threat to prevailing social or cultural values are known by researchers as moral entrepreneurs, while people who supposedly threaten the social order have been described as "folk devils".

Moral panics are in essence controversies that involve arguments and social tension and in which disagreement is difficult because the matter at its center is taboo.
The media have long operated as agents of moral indignation, even when they are not consciously engaged in crusading or muckraking. Simply reporting the facts can be enough to generate concern, anxiety or panic.

Moral panic examples:

They often occur during times when society has been unable to adapt to significant change and when such change leads to a fear of a loss of control within the normal social structure. This was evident during the 1960s when society experienced such modernising trends as the so called 'sexual revolution'. When events, such as those found in the 1960's, occur there is a concern that moral standards are in decline and entire generations can sometimes be accused of undermining society's moral structure.

James Bulger.
The concern of 'video nasties' reappeared in the 1990's following the murder of the toddler James Bulger by two juveniles. The case was related to the violent film 'Child's Play 3', which the offenders had previously watched. The case and the implications made against the film resulted in further regulations being enacted in 1994.

Despite the fact that such killings remain extremely rare, the story, largely due to its portrayal by the media, led to the view that all children were now at risk from one another, and that access to certain films could produce child murderers. The dangers posed by moral panics are continuously exaggerated and distorted by the media with the result that public concern is heightened. They often present reasons and scapegoats for the occurrence of certain events in order to divert attention from more real and greater problems found within society.

The E.coli outbreak in Scotland, which occurred at the end of 1996, created debates regarding food safety laws and led to changes concerning the cleanliness of animals when they are slaughtered and the general hygiene standards in butcher's shops and supermarkets. Whilst E.coli is extremely dangerous the media's reporting of the incident led the public to believe that there was yet another national crisis concerning our food, and that such vulnerable groups as the elderly and the young were in extreme danger. 

However, despite the fact that twenty people died and many were seriously ill, the outbreak of E.coli was exaggerated extensively by the press, and many of the public failed to realise that many of the planned changes concerning food hygiene were already in place in most food shops. 

Whilst changes in the storing and displaying of cooked and raw meats was clearly necessary, the media's orchestration of the panic led the public to believe the issue to be a far greater problem than it actually was.


Perhaps the most publicised moral panic in the past few years has been the concern over the British gun control laws. Following the Dunblane massacre in Scotland in which a number of schoolchildren and their teacher were shot dead by a lone gunman, a campaign was initiated calling into question the current restrictions on the purchasing of weapons. The incident created a national panic and concern for the safety of our children in schools, and the issue of stricter gun laws resulted in extensive amendments to the laws making the United Kingdom one of the strictest countries regarding public access to hand guns.

Clearly, the majority of people who possess hand guns or who partake in shooting activities are normal, responsible people who have simply fallen victim to the demands of the media and the general public in making the country a safer place and preventing such a tragedy as Dunblane from ever occurring again.


many innocent people fall victim of certain moral panics once they are orchestrated by the media. This point was evident in the aftermath of the AIDS issue which was raised in the 1980's. 

Through the media we were led to believe that the virus posed a very real threat to the future of mankind and although it was, to a great extent, a possibility that the virus would affect our whole way of life, it must be noted that the initial scare as reported by the media was based on assumptions and insubstantial evidence. 

The press also publicised the fact that the virus was prominent amongst the gay community. Whilst it remains true that homosexual men are at considerable risk from the virus the media's portrayal of the issue provoked mass public resentment of homosexuals and a general belief that they were responsible for the disease due to their 'unorthodox' lifestyle.


Do some research on the above moral panics. One paragraph on how each has been portrayed in the media. Post to your blogs.

Carry out some research on Leah Betts who died after taking ecstasy in 1995.
How has media coverage and celebrity input changed public perception of the drug?

Writing an essay all about ravers or Britpop is insufficient - you must write an essay about how they have been represented.



You must create your own Moral Panic via the production of  newspaper pages.

Your research and analysis will have shown you exactly how the media encourages the audience how to fear an element of society that is deemed to be on the 'fringes' - something which is outside of the norm. 
Your deconstruction will have shown how manipulative and persuasive the media can be in trying to shape the ideologies of an audience in order to be scared of that element.

You will also have investigated why Moral Panics are created and be able to give context to the representations you have seen.

All this analysis and research will probably give you a 'toolkit' of how to create a Moral Panic - sometimes subtle, sometimes explicit, the papers have the power to be master manipulators.

This project has the potential to be a lot of fun, but there are a couple of decisions to make and pit-falls to avoid...

  • Are you going to take something that is already on the fringes of society and create a moral panic out of people's ignorance and limited perceptions?
  • Are you going to choose something innocuous and unthreatening about society and demonise it?
  • Avoid cliched and lazy ideas - somethings are overdone already; asylum seekers, video games and drugs might have already reached saturation point in the real media
  • Don't confuse fear of things like natural disasters with Moral Panics
  • Make sure that it's actually possible to get the photos you need - don't choose to discuss a terrorist attack unless you can get a photo of one!
Remember that the look and tone of this product should look and feel exactly like a real newspaper. Be very careful with how you write it and the decisions you make in regards to photos.

Monday, 20 January 2014


Lifestyle Magazines

Lifestyle magazines offer a sense of identity, companionship and reassurance and include titles such as Cosmopolitan, FHM, Heat, Nuts, OK and Closer. they share with their readers the problems of and issues of other, similar people who also read the magazines. Lifestyle magazines offer guidance and instruction on how to live a particular lifestyle as well as entertainment and escapism.
The magazines also challenge readers to respond to advice offered on such matters as relationships, careers and material possessions.
It can be interesting to consider how realistic the lifestyle that is being promoted actually is.


When and how do people consume media texts? 

Audiences consume - that is watch read or listen to - media products in a range of situations and places. 
Sometimes they give the text their full attention - Primary consumption.
At other times they may be watching, reading or listening whilst doing other things - Secondary consumption.
This is known as a pattern of media consumption.

The Uses and Gratification Theory (again!)

Media consumers choose texts that fulfill one or more of these needs:
They need to be INFORMED or EDUCATED about the world in which they live. For example the weather

They need to IDENTIFY personally with the characters  and situations in order to learn more about themselves or find themselves. For example a teenager may want to look and act like their favourite musician

They need to use the media as a talking point for SOCIAL INTERACTION or DISCUSSION.

They need to ESCAPE from their daily routine into other worlds and situations.

Values and Lifestyles

Values and lifestyles is sometimes called ideology. It may at first glance seem like a difficult concept to grasp but we are dealing with simple terms for the way people think about themselves, about others and about the world in which they live.
The most interesting aspect of ideology is that it is so instinctive and unspoken that it can be somewhat invisible. People don't usually know what their values and beliefs are unless they are challenged.

Ideology - A system of values, beliefs or ideas that is common to a specific group of people.

Task 1: To help grasp ideology and values.
Imagine the lower sixth have been stranded on a desert island. No one else is there. You must choose the four students who would best fill these roles:

A: The leader of the group.
B: The person most likely to fall off the raft you have built into the shark infested lagoon.
C: The person most likely to risk their life by diving in to rescue them.
D: The most trustworthy person who would provide emotional support for the group.

Is there a surprising amount of agreement among the choices?
Since you have similar ideologies, you will all have similar ideas of who best meets the requirements for each role. The leader may be the most outspoken, popular member of the group.
The emotional support choice is likely to be a more mature, cheerful person who chats with everyone, not just those in his own close friendship group.

The class may agree on certain choices because you all understand that, in order to take on any of these roles,people need to have demonstrated certain values and standards of behavior.

Ideology in Magazines

Why do magazines reflect the values and ideologies of their readers?

They want their readers to feel that they can identify with the magazine.

Here are the descriptions of the target readers of two lifestyle magazines:

The ELLE reader is spirited, stylish and intelligent; she expects to be successful at everything she does. She takes the lead and breaks the rules.

The SIGHT and SOUND reader is a true film buff who expects to be given intelligent information on all film releases, not just Hollywood, mainstream movies.

Task 2: Take a look at the two websites and note down how you think they reflect the values, interests and ideologies of their readers. 
typography (font choice, colour, placement)
How the pages are laid out, does the composition lead the eye and retain viewers?
Promises connected to ideology, values, interests.
Language use; words that the reader will understand, do they use informal form of address 'you'?

Take screen shots and annotate them.

Ideologies can be seen on many different levels, countries have national ideologies. If you ever go abroad on holiday, you will notice patterns of behaviour that would be unusual in the UK.
In Japan for instance, people are always polite to each other and it is considered rude to show anger.

Task 3: Note (on your blog) traits of 'Britishness' that people visiting this country might notice about our patterns of behaviour.
For example, visitors often say that the British love queuing!

Understanding ideology is helpful when it comes to investigating the ways in which magazines and other media texts are constructed to appeal to their target audiences. They try to offer material that they will enjoy, understand, value and aspire to.

Technical codes 31/3

Give evidence that you know the meaning of the key terminology of media language and the technical codes of image analysis.

Develop analytical skills in examining a media text.

Task: use the following technical codes to analyse the images.

Technical term
What it might mean
Shot size
Extreme close up
Emphasis on the emotion of the character
Close up
Intimacy with the character or object
Medium shot
Show body language
Long shot
Establish the setting
Camera angle
Low (looking up)
Power – authority - superiority
Eye level
Equality between characters
High (looking down)
Weak – vulnerable - powerless
Lens type
Wide angle
Emphasise the expanse of the setting
Everydayness, normality
Spying from a distance
An ordered setting, controlled,
Realistic view of the world
Selective focus
Draws attention to a character
Soft focus
Creates a romantic view of a setting or character
Deep focus
All characters in shot are important
High key
Friendly, positive, nothing to fear
Low key
Dark, mysterious, dangerous
Film Stock
Grainy blotchy
Documentary style, realistic
A natural; view of the world
Film Colour
Can emphasise certain colours
Black and white
Historical and realistic, possibly the truth

fig: 1
This painting is an example of an asymmetrical composition by the artist Kandinsky.
The main elements are equally distributed on both sides of the picture with the 'heaviest' part being the black circle balancing the more detailed parts.

fig: 2
This black and white image gives us the impression that a historic moment is taking place.
It looks realistic and truthful.

fig: 3
Close up

fig: 4
Deep focus

fig: 5
Extreme close up

fig: 6

fig: 7
High angle (down shot)

fig: 8
Down shot

fig: 9

fig: 10
Long shot

fig: 11
Low angle (up shot)

fig: 12

fig: 13
Medium shot

fig: 14

fig: 15

fig: 16
Film stock

fig: 17

fig: 18

fig: 19

fig: 20

fig: 21

fig: 22

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Report submissions

Reports submission

You should all submit the first two parts of your report to me today, both digitally and a printed hard copy.
At this stage you should have indicated the following:
What you have decided to produce for your pre production and production.

What the genre of your work is.
A (dictionary) definition of genre

An indication of your target audience and the target audience for this genre.
Psycho-graphics and categories (main-streamers, NRS, preferred readers).

Evidence of your research
What did you do?
What were your findings?
What conclusions did you reach in preparation for your work

Link to audience theory
Barthes action and enigma codes
Levi Strauss binary opposition

Application of narrative theory to your work
Todorov equilibrium
Propp character functions.

You should have written about how your research has specifically influenced your pre - production.

You will return to your report later and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your work.

If you aren't ready to submit your report you need to see me with what you have done so far lesson.
Roughs for your pre production.

Bearing in mind the analysis we have discussed today, you should realise that there must be a reason for each and every element of your pre production being there.
You can give me evidence that you have thought everything through by submitting a rough, annotated draft of your pre production and production.

If you are working on a script it should be submitted legibly in the margins.
You must submit your roughs this week so that I can arrange photography sessions and access to software.

So final date for submissions to be signed off is 16.1.2014

Alongside this, you need to submit a schedule of events with the equipment required for both your
pre production and production.